I'm here to share my heart in service to those who are seeking something more.
Not too long ago, I was in a state of severe anxiety about what my future held. Through serendipity I found tools that helped me see things from a new perspective, and a beautiful healing journey began.
After doing the work to lift myself out of depression, I now believe in a world where struggle and fear are outdated concepts. By showing others how to harness their own true power, I have witnessed the force that drives us toward peace, prosperity and perpetual happiness.
I am now on a mission to help others find what ignites that spark within... The light that will lead to a life beyond their wildest dreams!
"I am so glad I found Jessie and this profound body of work! My perspective on life has totally shifted since working with her, and definitely for the better!"
J. Rosen
After the birth of my second child, something began to change… The "explorer" inside of me became shadowed by the struggle of trying to be all things to all people, including myself. My children became my happy place. The love I felt for them, and from them, was like nothing else I had ever experienced. I tried a few new jobs that I thought would satisfy my career desires, while also giving me plenty of time with my kids.
I became a Real Estate Agent, then a bookkeeper, and even went back to school and gained a second degree in accounting.
In the midst of trying to navigate through all of this, I somehow got lost. I found myself unable to enjoy my work, and even more upsetting, I was unable to enjoy my children too. Everything in my life began to suffer... My relationships, my finances, my health, and my confidence in my ability to create the life I had envisioned for myself when I was young and free.
Eventually, my ability to mask my pain weakened, and one day, during the nightly routine with the kids, I was lying in bed with them, reading an all-time favorite: “Caps for Sale”.
Right at the part where I was to sing out “Caps, Caps for sale, fifty cents a cap...”, I found myself unable to hold it together any longer, and began to cry right there with my boys on either side of me. It was at that moment that I finally surrendered to that fact that I needed help.
I started with the mainstream, conventional treatment, which included counseling, psychotherapy, and eventually pharmaceutical medication. While these methods worked to ease my depression, they were by no means a cure for what I was feeling. Although I wasn’t feeling so sad anymore, I wasn’t feeling happy either. Deep inside, my heart was still telling me that there had to be a different way of living, one that would allow me to have it all, the meaningful career, the adventures, the joyful family time, the precious “me” time.
Luckily, the help I had found allowed me to dust the cobwebs off of that explorer trait inside of me.
In this place of yearning for more, a series of serendipitous events led me to a body of work called The Numerology of Moses. It sparked a flame in me that led me on a new path of inner exploration, and ultimately on a journey toward a greater sense of fulfillment, peace, and joy. I came to realize that the thing that feeds my soul is helping others find the same in themselves.
Your best life awaits!
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